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Implementation of the task "Development of a virtual walk of the Krzyżanowice commune" organized by the Krzyżanowice Commune under the project no. CZ.11.2..45/0.0/0.0/16_013/0003212 entitled "Tourism on-line" is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Poland "We cross borders" under the "Microproject Fund 2014 - 2020 in Euroregion Silesia" in the INTERREG V - A Czech Republic - Poland Program.

Polish tourist attractions

Cycle paths

Viewing tower in Tworków

On 10 July 2020, after major revitalisation works, the viewing tower with the Tworków Castle Ruins was opened to the public. The work of restoring the Neo-Renaissance monument was undertaken by the municipality of Krzyżanowice, which successively carried out work to protect the ruins from destruction. The effect of these works can now be admired by tourists. The palace in Tworków, formerly a castle, is a charming building located in a small village south of Racibórz. Although today only the remains of the palace can be seen, they are very interesting and impressive for visitors.

The ruins have recently been restored with great care and opened to tourists free of charge during the tourist season. The most exciting attraction is the opportunity to visit the high tower, the top of which is an ideal vantage point from which to view both the beautiful and atmospheric monument and the surrounding area. It is certainly one of the most attractive places in the picturesque Upper Oder Valley! Among the trees, on the north side of Tworkow, on Parkowa Street, are the remains of a palace that once stood here as a castle as early as the 14th century. Unfortunately, there is not much information about this medieval castle. In the 16th century, Kasper Wiskota von Wodnik carried out a major reconstruction, and later the palace was in the hands of the Reiswitz family. However, it was the von Saurma-Jeltsch family who exerted the greatest influence on the palace's present-day appearance when they rebuilt it in the Neo-Renaissance style in 1872-74. It was then that the neo-Gothic tower in the east wing and the arcaded courtyard were created.

Wieża widokowa w Tworkowie
Viewing tower in Tworków

It should be noted that in 1931 the palace in Tworków suffered a terrible fire, which covered up to 60 kilometres, and the sight of the burning building could be seen from a distance. Unfortunately, almost the entire palace was destroyed. However, this is only the beginning of the tragedy, as it turned out that the cause of the fire was an arsonist who aimed to extort compensation. This is very frightening, especially as the whole plan was a complete failure and the owner received a much lower compensation than he had expected.

Since then, the Tworków palace has never been rebuilt, and it was burnt down again during the Second World War. Despite being a German monument destroyed during the war, the palace was considered unworthy of attention and demolition was even considered. Fortunately, this did not happen and the palace still stands today. Today, the palace in Tworków is owned by the municipality of Krzyżanowice, to which Tworków belongs, and work is underway to secure its remains. The palace is open to tourists for free all year round, and further investments are planned at the site.

Wieża widokowa w Tworkowie
Viewing tower in Tworków

The viewing tower in Tworków is part of the Silesian Trail - an international project encompassing 34 towers and viewing platforms in the Silesian Euroregion, on both the Polish and Czech sides of the border. In turn, the Tworków chateau itself is one of the greatest treasures of the picturesque Upper Oder Valley.


Virtual walk



Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Viewing tower in Tworków

Tourist attractions - location on the map

Projekt nr CZ.11.2.45/0.0/0.0/16_013/0003212 pn. „Turystyka on-line”
Implementation of the task "Development of a virtual walk of the Krzyżanowice commune" organized by the Krzyżanowice Commune under the project no. CZ.11.2..45/0.0/0.0/16_013/0003212 entitled "Tourism on-line" is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Poland "We cross borders" under the "Microproject Fund 2014 - 2020 in Euroregion Silesia" in the INTERREG V - A Czech Republic - Poland Program.
Herb Urzędu Gminy Krzyżanowice
Krzyżanowice Commune Office
Główna Street 5,
47-450 Krzyżanowice
tel. (32) 419 40 35
fax. (32) 419 42 34
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office hours
  • Pn – Śr
    7.00 – 15.00
  • Czw
    8.00 – 17.00
  • Pt
    7.00 – 14.00

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