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Implementation of the task "Development of a virtual walk of the Krzyżanowice commune" organized by the Krzyżanowice Commune under the project no. CZ.11.2..45/0.0/0.0/16_013/0003212 entitled "Tourism on-line" is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Poland "We cross borders" under the "Microproject Fund 2014 - 2020 in Euroregion Silesia" in the INTERREG V - A Czech Republic - Poland Program.

Polish tourist attractions

Cycle paths

St Urban's Church and forest

The church and parish in Tworków, originally dedicated to St Margaret, first appear in documents from 1339. They can also be found in the sacred register of 1447, as belonging to the Archpriesthood of Racibórz. After a fire in 1676, the present parish church was built, and probably the patron of the church also changed at that time. The consecration took place in 1697, with the participation of Bishop John Brunetti. Already in the 17th century, the parish had a wooden chapel of St. Urban, which was burnt down in 1687. In 1779 a new chapel was built on the same site, using the original wooden tower, which was replaced by a new brick tower in 1869.


The chapel served from the beginning as a branch church, where Protestant worshippers and victims of the deadly disease cholera were also buried. The chapel has been extensively renovated in recent years, with the roof trusses, roofing and bell tower replaced. Replacement of plaster, insulation and conservation of the main altar and all the chapel's furnishings were also carried out. The restoration of the cross, which is located near the chapel, was also carried out. The founders of the cross restoration were Joseph and Marianna Wolnik.

Kościół św. Urbana i las
St Urban's Church and forest

The filial church of St. Urban is part of the Roman Catholic parish of St. Peter and Paul, located in the deanery of Tworków, in the diocese of Opole.

The chapel / church represents the late Baroque style, preserving the original wooden tower from the 17th century.

The chapel/church represents the late Baroque style and was built at the end of the 18th century, preserving the original 17th century wooden steeple. A small turret was added to it in 1869. The chancel of the church is single-span and enclosed by a straight wall with chamfered corners to the east. To the north is the sacristy with a collegiate lodge on the first floor. It is decorated with the coat-of-arms cartouche of the Eichendorff family, one of whose representatives, Joseph von Eichendorff, was a well-known poet of German Romanticism. The nave of the church is two-bay and built on a square plan with chamfered corners at the presbytery.


The Rococo altar, dating from the late 18th century, occupies a central position in the interior of St Urban's church. Next to it is the pulpit, connected to the emporium of the supper box, also from the late 18th century. The Protestant inhabitants of Tworkow and victims of the cholera epidemic were buried at the church. Near the church there is a stone crucifixion group.


Beyond the filial church, it is worth visiting the parish church of St. Peter and Paul, which is one of the most important works of sacral baroque art in the Racibórz area. The church was built in the 17th century by Jan Zeller of Opava and has a single nave, a single-span presbytery closed with a straight wall and a vestry to the east. The church tower is square in shape and has two annexes on the sides, which are porches and staircases. It was added to the main body of the church in 1749, and was largely plastered over in 1948 during the reconstruction after the war damage.

The main treasure of the church is the tower.

The greatest treasure of the Tvorkov parish church is the unique display of eleven decorated coffins and sarcophagi of local magnates from the Reiswitz and Wilczek families, dating from the mid-17th century - which are true works of Baroque art. These coffins were made of copper, zinc and lead and covered with rich polychrome, often with gilding. Their painting and artistic decoration in the form of applied cast elements is probably the work of local artists from Opava or Racibórz. The sides of the coffins are decorated with German-language quotations from the Scriptures and the dates and names of those buried. The Reiswitz family had to obtain permission from Emperors Ferdinand III and Leopold I for burial in a Catholic church.

The parish of Saints Peter and Paul in Tworków plays an important role in the religious life of the region. The building attracts tourists and lovers of sacred art from all over Poland and Europe. The magnificent architecture, beautiful decorations and a unique display of coffins and sarcophagi make these churches valuable treasures of the region's culture and history.

Date and time of creation

The chapel of St Urban, was built in 1779, replacing a previous wooden chapel which was destroyed in 1687.


The chapel of St. Urban is situated on a hill about 2 km west of Tworkow.


Tours of the Chapel of St. Urban are not available to the public. To visit the shrine, please contact the parish office of the church of Sts. Peter and Paul in Tworków.


Virtual walk



St Urban's Church and forest

St Urban's Church and forest

St Urban's Church and forest

St Urban's Church and forest

St Urban's Church and forest

St Urban's Church and forest

St Urban's Church and forest

St Urban's Church and forest

Tourist attractions - location on the map

Projekt nr CZ.11.2.45/0.0/0.0/16_013/0003212 pn. „Turystyka on-line”
Implementation of the task "Development of a virtual walk of the Krzyżanowice commune" organized by the Krzyżanowice Commune under the project no. CZ.11.2..45/0.0/0.0/16_013/0003212 entitled "Tourism on-line" is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Poland "We cross borders" under the "Microproject Fund 2014 - 2020 in Euroregion Silesia" in the INTERREG V - A Czech Republic - Poland Program.
Herb Urzędu Gminy Krzyżanowice
Krzyżanowice Commune Office
Główna Street 5,
47-450 Krzyżanowice
tel. (32) 419 40 35
fax. (32) 419 42 34
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office hours
  • Pn – Śr
    7.00 – 15.00
  • Czw
    8.00 – 17.00
  • Pt
    7.00 – 14.00

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